Increase sexual arousal, rejuvenate the vagina, and improve urinary incontinence

- Increased sexual feelings
- Greater arousal from clitoral & G-spot stimulation
- Increased lubrication of the vagina
- Tightening of the vagina
- Improved vaginal orgasm ability
- Stronger and more numerous orgasms
- Decrease of pain with intercourse
- Improves labia tone and texture
- Improves urinary incontinence
Most Common Challenges Women Experience
- Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (usually but not always accompanies Sexual Desire Disorder). Women who suffer with this may want to have sex but have much difficulty finding the pleasure of arousal. The 5% incidence doesn’t sound like much until you think about it–that’s the same as one in 20!
- Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (Low desire). Remember, that this is not counted a disorder unless it’s disrupting the woman’s life. Around 10% of women suffer with this problem. Important: Suffering with a sexual disorder does not simply make sex not fun. Better sex leads to more energy, more creativity, increased confidence, less depression, and improved overall health.
- Female Orgasmic Disorder: Again around 1 in 20 (or 5%). Here women can become aroused but have much difficulty with orgasm. This can be so frustrating that sex becomes a frustration that they avoid.
- Dyspareunia: Here the woman suffers with real pain with sex (not from decreased lubrication or vaginal spasm). The incidence is from around 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 women.
FemiWave is a procedure that uses pulse waves to repair blood vessels, which improves blood flow to the vagina. Women can expect to experience increased sensitivity and lubrication, as well as strengthening, tightening and improved physical appearance. Overall, FemiWave helps enhance sexual fulfillment and function.
The procedure is non-invasive, comfortable, and performed on the outer and inner labia right in the provider’s office. There is no downtime, drugs, or laser and the results are long-lasting.
FemiWave uses shockwave therapy which has been around for years and is based on numerous clinical studies proven to increase blood flow and restore healthy tissue.
How it works
FemiWave™ is a revolutionary procedure that uses low-intensity sound waves (also referred to as acoustic wave therapy) to restore sensation and natural lubrication. The procedure increases cell signaling in blood vessels, which increases blood flow to nerves and the vaginal lining.
The FemiWave procedure activates the growth of healthier vaginal tissue. This process, called neurogenesis, enhances sensitivity in the vagina and can make orgasms easier to achieve. FemiWave restores the ability to lubricate and can reduce pain experienced during intercourse.
In 6 to 12 sessions each taking between 15 to 20 minutes, FemiWave treatments:
- Stimulate the release of growth factors in vaginal tissue, resulting in the generation of new blood vessels
- Enhance sensitivity in the vagina
- Increase natural lubrication production
- Tighten and strengthen muscles to improve incontinence
By increasing blood flow to the vagina, women will experience increased sensitivity, lubrication, strengthening, and tightening.
Our patients report this cream works like a dream; containing 3 ingredients which can help improve pleasure by increasing blood flow and sensation to intimate areas. This can also be used in conjunction with some of our other oral VenusMeds for the ultimate intimacy enhancement.
Helping our patients reach new heights, this topical cream contains 4 ingredients which can help improve pleasure by increasing blood flow and sensation to intimate areas. In addition to helping increase orgasm intensity and ability. It can also be used in conjunction with some of our other oral VenusMeds for the ultimate intimacy enhancement.
VenusStim Daily
Stimulating the mind and body’s desire, this rapidly dissolving tablet is placed under your tongue daily helping to ensure you are ready when the moment is right. It contains 3 ingredients to help improve libido, desire and sensation. Studies also show women report an increase in sexual thoughts and fantasies improving initiation of intimacy. This can also be used in conjunction with some of our topical VenusMeds for the ultimate intimacy enhancement.
VenusStim Max
Stimulating sexual prowess physically and mentally, this rapidly dissolving tablet is placed under your tongue 30 to 45 minutes prior to sexual activity. It contains 3 ingredients to help improve libido, desire and sensation. Studies also show women report an increase in sexual thoughts and fantasies improving initiation of intimacy. This can also be used in conjunction with some of our topical VenusMeds for the ultimate intimacy enhancement.
Increasing our “love hormone” oxytocin and adding Tadalafil; this rapidly dissolving gummy is placed under your tongue 30 to 45 minutes prior to sexual activity. It contains 2 ingredients to help improve libido, desire and sensation. Studies also show women report an increase in sexual thoughts and fantasies. This can also be used in conjunction with some of our topical VenusMeds for the ultimate intimacy enhancement.
Regenerating vaginal tissue health due to different life cycles like hormone fluctuations, childbirth and post-menopause is important for women. This 2 ingredient intravaginal cream helps to improve tissue health, reducing dryness, painful intercourse and tissue thinning. This can also be used in conjunction with some of our oral and topical VenusMeds for the ultimate intimacy enhancement.