Oleo Bone

The menopausal marine

Hot Flashes, Night Sweats and Hormone Therapies:
What Every Woman Needs To Know About Menopause

Our current medical system doesn’t allocate sufficient time for women’s issues relating to menopause to be addressed. There just aren’t enough hours in the day for doctors to truly give women the time they need at their annual visits.

Education has not kept pace with current data and the study of menopause in medical schools is practically non-existent.

The end result is many medical professionals are not up to date on all of the current therapies available to women that are struggling with sometimes debilitating symptoms.

It’s a lack of time and a lack of education, and the fact we continue to allow these two things to prevent women from living their best lives is totally unacceptable.

The Menopausal Marine is a simple guide that educates women and gives them answers to all the things no one else is telling them about their hormones.

Answers that they desperately need. Answers that they deserve. Answers that no one is able to give them.

My goal is to provide you with the knowledge you desire, to give you the power you need, to demand the answers you deserve.

About The Author

Eric Rittmeyer

Eric is the director of business development and a mental toughness coach with lifeMed institute in baltimore, MD. He’s a former US marine and an expert in the fields of mental toughness and emotional intelligence. Eric’s also author of the book “The Emotional Marine – 68 Mental Toughness and Emotional Intelligence Secrets To Make Anyone Instantly Like You” and is a regular guest on all of the major television outlets.

Eric’s passion is in educating women on the benefits of hormone replacement therapies and how they can help to eliminate the symptoms brought on by menopause.